There will be problems with the scripts because they run with the rights of the 
administrator who created them.
All affected scripts must be updated by the existing administrator. (ex. add 
description or comment line).

> 5 окт. 2018 г., в 18:49, Solomon Miler <smi...@jri-america.com> написал(а):
> User_X created various entities on tsm (schedules, associations, scripts  etc 
> ).
> User_X  leaves the company,
> User_X  needs to be removed  from tsm.   (remove admin User_X)
> Is there a concern / any side-effects you can think of.
> Thank you.
> Solomon Miler
> Senior Data Protection Engineer, VP
> --------------------------------------
> Desk: 201.577.313
> Cell  :  917.287.2332
> smi...@jri-america.com
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