We are preparing to stop tsm services at one of our remote data centers. One client was using HSM for windows.
I wish to retrieve all their archives to a stick and give them to them. All were located on their e: drive. I have given my workstation proxy rights to the hsm node. File names are as follows file_name: \\CNTRLR\E:\Everyone\BOARD\NEWS1-30.DOC<file://CNTRLR/E:/Everyone/BOARD/NEWS1-30.DOC> yet when ai try to retrieve with: retrieve -subdir=yes \\CNTRLR\E:\*<file://CNTRLR/E:/*> \\its-glee-03\b:\<file://its-glee-03/b:/> I get an anr1083 message no files archived for e:\* I can query the archives table and see 2,856 objects. What simple thing am I missing?