Hi Zoltan,

CentOS will not be supported by IBM.

I myself run TSM on CentOS just fine (TSM 7.1.6 on CentOS 7.5). The
lin_tape I don't know, but if you can get your hands on the sourcecode you
could compile it probably for CentOS.


Op do 23 aug. 2018 18:14 schreef Zoltan Forray <zfor...@vcu.edu>:

> This is mostly targeted at IBM folks, but we are also looking for feedback
> from others who gone through this.
> Since RHEL licensing costs have increased almost three fold over the last 5
> years, we are going to push moving to CentOS. There are no licensing fees
> for CentOS and our current RHEL licensing does not include support. CentOS
> is functionally compatible or binary compatible with RHEL.
> So how, if at all, will this effect IBM support in the ISP server arena?
> As far as I can tell, IBM only officially supports AIX, SUSE, RHEL, Debian,
> HP-UX, SOLARIS versions of *NIX for a server.  Then of course there is the
> lin_tape driver compatibility/support.
> --
> *Zoltan Forray*
> Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator
> Xymon Monitor Administrator
> VMware Administrator
> Virginia Commonwealth University
> UCC/Office of Technology Services
> www.ucc.vcu.edu
> zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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