I have a handful of Linux baclients that show more than one schedule begin and schedule end for the same backup schedule on the same day.
08/10/2018 15:00:03 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN DAILY_LINUX1 08/10/2018 15:00 08/10/2018 15:56 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN DAILY_LINUX1 08/10/2018 15:00 08/10/2018 16:35 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END DAILY_LINUX1 08/10/2018 15:00 08/10/2018 17:47 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END DAILY_LINUX1 08/10/2018 15:00 These are accompanied by massive numbers of errors once the second "instance" of the backup event starts. Backup goes to VTL and maxnummp is limited. I see ANS0326E (exceeds max number of mount points) Tsmdedupdb lock errors and ANS 8010E (exceeded max number of retries); along with one ANS1512E (Scheduled event Failed. Return Code 12) for each "instance" that day. It does not happen every day, but it happens several times a week. I've been told that it is normal for a client to open more than one session, that this is not a problem. ....Yes, clients open up several, sometimes many "SESSIONS", that is normal. That is not what I feel the is the problem. These clients start the same backup event twice. That isn't supposed to happen. They send a complete backup summary twice with different values for each of the metrics. Version info: Linux baclient V7.1.6.3 RHEL Enterprise Linux server 5.11 ISP Server AIX V6.3.5.100 (Yes, I know, it needs an update or two.) oslevel There is only one dsmcad process running, and the dsmcad Service is restarted every time there is a backup exception. There is just the one schedule for the client, there aren't multiple schedules per day. Each client actually has it's own personal schedule. The client schedule options dictate the FS to be backed up. Cloptset manages includes/excludes. These clients are not part of a cluster. Some of them are very distant, but other clients just as far off don't do this. ...what did I leave out?