 Willing to test here - which platform (Windows, Linux x86, etc) are you 
running the client on?

Robert Talda
EZ-Backup Systems Engineer
Cornell University
+1 607-255-8280

> On Aug 2, 2018, at 10:35 AM, Zoltan Forray <zfor...@vcu.edu> wrote:
> We are working through trying to move to using Proxy/asnodename processes
> to replace the html interface for our ISILON backups and are seeing some
> strangeness in the GUI
> When I bring up the GUI and the process to access another node, when I
> expand the "File Level" section, 6 "Registry" appear?  Besides there being
> 6-of them, this makes no sense since the backups are ISILON file level -
> not OS level.  There aren't any systemstate/registry level.
> What gives?

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