Hi Skylar,
Skylar Thompson wrote:
One thing to be aware of with partial incremental backups is the danger of
backing up data multiple times if the mount points are nested. For
Under normal operation, a node with DOMAIN set to "/mnt/backup/some-dir
/mnt/backup/some-dir/another-dir" will backup the contents of
as a separate filespace, *and also* will backup another-dir as a
subdirectory of the /mnt/backup/some-dir filespace. We reported this as a
bug, and IBM pointed us at this flag that can be passed as a scheduler
option to prevent this:
good point,
even if my script works a little bit differently:
by now the starting folder is not red from the "dsm.opt" file but given
in the configuration file for my script "dsmci.cfg". so one run can work
for one node starting on a subfolder (done si as windows has no
Within the this config file several starting folders can be declared and
my script creates in the first step a global list of all folders to be
backed up "partially incremental"
=> well, i'm not sure if i check for multiple entries in the list
=> and if the nesting is done on a deeper level than the list is created
from, i think i won't be aware of such a set-up
i will check this -- thanks for the advice!
On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 04:12:17PM +0200, Bjrn Nachtwey wrote:
Hi Zoltan,
OK, i will translate my text as there are some more approaches discussed :-)
breaking up the filesystems in several nodes will work as long as the nodes
are of suffiecient size.
I'm not sure if a PROXY node will solve the problem, because each "member
node" will backup the whole mountpoint. You will need to do partial
incremental backups. I expect you will do this based on folders, do you?
So, some questions:
1) how will you distribute the folders to the nodes?
2) how will you ensure new folders are processed by one of your "member
nodes"? On our filers many folders are created and deleted, sometimes a
whole bunch every day. So for me, it was no option to maintain the option
file manually. The approach from my script / "MAGS" does this somehow
3) what happens if the folders grew not evenly and all the big ones are
backed up by one of your nodes? (OK you can change the distribution or even
add another node)
4) Are you going to map each backupnode to different nodes of the isilon
cluster to distribute the traffic / workload for the isilon nodes?
Bjørn Nachtwey
Arbeitsgruppe "IT-Infrastruktur“
Tel.: +49 551 201-2181, E-Mail: bjoern.nacht...@gwdg.de
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