Hi Jeannie,

The ANR0443W warning you referred in your email is not the actual error.
This is:

ANR3178E A communication error occurred during session 40156 with
replication server TSMPOK_SERVER1.

This APAR might apply:

You're running a really old version.  If I were you, I'd start by upgrading
to 7.1.9 (make sure to read up on the new security features before you do:

If you are not prepared for the new security features, at least go up to

Marc Lanteigne
Spectrum Protect Specialist AVP / SRT
Office Hours:  Monday to Friday, 7:00 to 16:00 Eastern

Follow me on: Twitter, developerWorks, LinkedIn

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeannie Bruno [mailto:jbr...@cenhud.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:59 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] ANR0443W

Hello.  TSM Server v 7.1.1300.  Windows 2008 R2 server.

Has anyone come across the error below?  ANR0443W.  This happens when I try
replicating a node to our DR site.  It only happens for this one node and
it just started Monday evening. (Node has been replicating successfully for
over 2 years).   Message is from the Target TSM server.

I've googled the ANR0443W and I'm not finding much info, other than a fix.
But I'm not sure if the fix is for the TSM server or the node.   I've also
googled 'ReplGroupMemberInfo'...does anyone know what this is or means or
where it's defined?  Where can I find and where can I find the 'memberlist'
that's invalid?

Any info would be appreciated.   Thanks so much.

Session established with server TSMNBG_SERVER1: Windows
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 1.300

ANR0408I Session 40156 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0984I Process 1915 for Replicate Node ( As Secondary ) started in the
BACKGROUND at 09:43:45.
ANR2110I Replicate Node ( As Secondary ) started as process 1915.
ANR1943I Replicated option set EXCLUDESQLDB being updated with option set
from source server TSMPOK_SERVER1.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 1, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 2, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 3, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 4, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 5, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 6, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 7, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR2053I REPLICATE NODE: Option INCLEXCL, sequence number 8, has been
deleted from optionset EXCLUDESQLDB.
ANR1626I The previous message (message number 2050) was repeated 7 times.
ANR0408I Session 40157 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0408I Session 40158 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0408I Session 40159 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0408I Session 40160 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0408I Session 40161 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0443W Protocol error on session 40156 for node ALVIS (Windows) - invalid
"memberList" field found in "ReplGroupMemberInfo" verb (offset 13).
ANR3178E A communication error occurred during session 40156 with
replication server TSMPOK_SERVER1.
ANR0484W Session 40156 for node TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) terminated -
protocol violation detected.
ANR0409I Session 40159 ended for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows).
ANR0409I Session 40161 ended for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows).
ANR0409I Session 40157 ended for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows).
ANR0409I Session 40160 ended for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows).
ANR0409I Session 40158 ended for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows).
ANR0408I Session 40162 started for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) (Tcp/Ip)
for replication.
ANR0409I Session 40162 ended for server TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows).

Jeannie Bruno
Senior Systems Analyst
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
(845) 486-5780

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