Hi Steve,
Did you check the content of the .profile file of the instance user on the DR 
host? It should be identical to the one on the prime site.
If that's OK you could try and drop the instance and recatalog the database on 
the DR node:

# /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2idrop <instancename>
# /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -s ese -u <instance_user> 
$ db2 catalog db tsmdb1 on /tsm/wtsmt01

Maybe that helps?
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage Engineering

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
Harris, Steven
Sent: woensdag 23 mei 2018 1:36
Subject: TSM Instance can't find its instance directory.

Hi guys

I have a curly one here. TSM on AIX  7.1

I'm preparing for a DR test.

The DR process is that the TSM instance directory, database, logs and disk/file 
storage pools reside on an IBM V840 flash device.  These are mirrored to the DR 
site using  remote copy.  The old way was to use the remote copy directly, the 
new way is to run a flashcopy backup of the remote-copied volumes and mount 
those. Old process or new I get the same error. It last worked November last 

On my test instance,  when I start at prime site as the instance user, it finds 
the instance directory /tsm/wtsmt01.  It then opens the dsmserv.opt and 
initialization completes as usual.

When I start at the DR site, also as the instance user, with the same 
filesystems  mounted, and in the instance directory, it does not find the 
instance directory, but tries to use the root directory.  Obviously the 
dsmserv.opt file is not found and the process goes down hill from there.

ANR0900I Processing options file /tsm/wtsmt01/dsmserv.opt.

ANR0905W Options file /dsmserv.opt not found.
ANR0010W Unable to open message catalog for language en_AU.8859-15. The default 
language message catalog will be used.
ANR7811I Using instance directory .

I have compared the two sets of environment variables and they are identical, 
apart from obvious things like PID and RANDOM.

According to the doc, the instance directory is supposed to be set from the DB2 
instance directory.  This is checked with db2 get dbm cfg | grep DFTDBPATH and 
is the same on both boxes.  I even explicitly set it again on the DR side to no 

TSM Support has been no help.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Even some idea of how to trace 
what's happening would be useful.



Steven Harris
TSM Admin/Consultant
Canberra Australia

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