The 30-day clock starts ticking from the day the version goes inactive, not
the date it was backed up. Thus if the previous backup was inactivated on
April 20, I would expect that version to to be available for 30 days after
April 20.

Another possibility is if the file was deleted, then at least one backup
ran, then the file was recreated. In that case, it is possible that the
RETONLY setting would cause the previous version to be expired if RETONLY
is low.

Try the command line client to see if a backup copy exists:

   dsmc query backup <path_to_file_name> -inactive

If you can find a backup from the CLI but not the GUI, then this old
chestnut might be in play:

Best regards,



Andrew Raibeck | IBM Spectrum Protect Level 3 |

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"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2018-04-24

> From: "Vandeventer, Harold [OITS]" <>
> Date: 2018-04-24 11:56
> Subject: Restoring older file version
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> I have a node manager attempting to restore a previous version of a file.
> The Mgmt class indicates Versions data exists: 3, Versions data
> deleted: 3, Retain extra versions 30 Days.
> The file has not been deleted.
> The file date is 4/20/18.
> It changes "monthly" but I don't know the exact dates, probably
> varies from month to month.
> Using View Active/Inactive doesn't present the previous versions.
> If he picks a point in time of 4/20/18, he sees the file dated 4/20.
> If he picks point in time of 4/19/19, no versions are displayed.
> I would expect at least one previous version unless the "retain
> extra versions 30 days" is the property allowing the file to be
> deleted from TSM sooner than expected.
> The node is running on version 6.01 against an old TSM at
> (I'm in an upgrade issue, so can't deal with that yet, or open a PMR)
> For the community: is that "retain extra versions" value of 30 the
> issue?  It's allowing a file version dated 3/19 or earlier to be deleted?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Harold Vandeventer
> Office of Information Technology Services
> (785) 296-4999
> |
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