
The other thing to do is put the filespace in squiggly brackets.

dsmc ret {\\machine\x$}\* -fromnode=...

Like Steven, I prefer -virtualnode instead of from node.

With -fromnode, you have to grant the access properly, which is sometimes a
pain.  With -virtualnode, you just need to know the node password or have a
TSM admin ID that has authority on that node, but don't have to worry about
granting access.

Marc Lanteigne
Accelerated Value Specialist for Spectrum Protect
416.478.0233 | marclantei...@ca.ibm.com
Office Hours:  Monday to Friday, 7:00 to 16:00 Eastern

Follow me on: Twitter, developerWorks, LinkedIn

-----Original Message-----
From: Harris, Steven [mailto:steven.har...@btfinancialgroup.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 08:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] dsmc retrieve syntax for a remote node?

Hi Jim


Retrieves only files in the C$ root directory with a period in the name.

If you want everything under c$ I'd use

ret \\thatnode\c$\*  -fromnode=thatnode -subdir=y

you will also have to specify a destination  as without it will try to put
the data back into \\thatnode

I find it interesting that you use -fromnode.  I had sort of forgotten it
exists.  I normally use -virtualn and if necessary change the node



Steven Harris
TSM Admin/Consultant
Canberra Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Davis, Jim J - (jjdavis)
Sent: Friday, 13 April 2018 8:30 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] dsmc retrieve syntax for a remote node?

I'm trying to retrieve some old archived data with dsmc from thatnode to
thisnode, and I seem to have forgotten the strange magic involved in
correctly specifying the paths.  So on thisnode,

dsmc> q filespace -fromnode=thatnode

shows me things like


but something like

dsmc> ret \\thatnode\c$\*.* -fromnode=thatnode

and various permutations just returns a message about nothing being
archived by that path name.  What am I missing?

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