Hi Matt,

That's not correct.

It sounds like the person who gave you the briefing was not clear.

There are three general models:

1. If you purchase SPP "stand alone" (i.e. not via Suite), you pay per VM. 
If you offload to Spectrum Protect, you pay for those offloaded TBs 
managed by Spectrum Protect.

2. If you have one of the Spectrum Protect Suites, you use the ratio 
(FE=15VM/TB, BE=10VM/TB) ... which includes the offload TBs to Spectrum 

3. If you have the Spectrum Storage Suite, it is based on backend TBs in 
the vSnap repository, after deduplication and compression. Again, this is 
only for the Spectrum Storage Suites, not the Spectrum Protect Suites.



"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 03/22/2018 
04:16:47 PM:

> From: Matthew McGeary <matthew.mcge...@nutrien.com>
> Date: 03/22/2018 04:18 PM
> Subject: Re: SPP licensing/included with SP Extended Edition/Suite?
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> Strange, I was just in a product briefing and was informed that the 
> stored data in the Plus repository counted against the TB in our 
> entitled capacity, not this 10 VM/TB model.
> Based on our existing deployments and stored data, the 10 VM/TB 
> model will result in a fair bit of additional required licensing to 
> deploy plus.
> On Mar 22, 2018, at 2:13 PM, Matthew McGeary 
> mailto:matthew.mcge...@nutrien.com>> wrote:
> Strange, I was just in a product briefing and was informed that the 
> stored data in the Plus repository counted against the TB in our 
> entitled capacity, not this 10 VM/TB model.
> Based on our existing deployments and stored data, the 10 VM/TB 
> model will result in a fair bit of additional required licensing to 
> deploy plus.
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