
You can do it on a live system (while Spectrum Protect and DB2 are running)
using Windows mirrored volumes (or LVM on *nix system)
You will want to reboot the system after reclaiming old V7000 storage

The process that you described will work too, no need to remove/restore db

Mike G

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:24 AM, Bill Boyer <> wrote:

> I have a small-ish TSM 8.1.2 with a single db volume. 250GB with only 99GB
> used. It's on a V7000 that's being returned off lease. I have another V7000
> to use. Is it possible to:
> 1.      Allocate another 250GB drive on the new V7000
> 2.      Stop TSM and make sure DB2 instance stops
> 3.      Copy the entire contents of the DBVOL to the new V7000
> 4.      Change the disk volumes so that the new V7000 is the same drive
> letter.
> 5.      Bring up TSM.
> I can move the active log and archive log easily enough but I would really
> like to move the DB without having to od the whole removed and restore db.
> I had also though about using Windows mirrored volumes.
> Any thoughts or suggestions?
> TIA,
> Bill

Mikhail Golbin
bus (908)635-5705
cell (908)210-3393
RMD IT Client Services

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