Why not to configure a transparent proxy for this traffic?

Assuming that the hub participates in the download of packages, by default Java 
does not use a system proxy. 
You can try to use option Djava.net.useSystemProxies = true in the environment 
settings for the user, on behalf of which the hub starts .....
it will looks like export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dmysysprop1=tcpip 
-Dmysysprop2=wait -Xdisablejavadump"
I found example in 
but it uses jvm.options file.


> 6 марта 2018 г., в 10:39, Uwe Schreiber <uwe.h.schrei...@t-online.de> 
> написал(а):
> Hello Efim,
> thank you for your response.
> I already had a try using the local catalog.
> This did not bypass the direct download from IBM.
> From my point of view, the local catalog gives you the possibility to
> create your own package repository.
> Therefor you have to build a http server where you store the package
> for a download by the OC hub instance.
> In addition you have to modify the local catalog.json file to point to
> the right package locations on your own http server.
> Of course i could setup my own http server and build a local
> repository.
> But this would increase the complexity, etc.
> Uwe
> On Tue, 2018-03-06 at 09:25 +0300, Efim wrote:
>> Hi
>> you can try to configure local catalog. it will bypass using proxy:
>> setopt clientdeployuselocalcatalog yes
>> create dir: /<instance dir>/deployconfig/
>> run (you can add it to the cron): curl -o /<instance
>> dir>/deployconfig/catalog.json https://public.dhe.ibm.com/storage/tiv
>> oli-storage-management/catalog/client/catalog.json 
>> Efim
>>> 6 марта 2018 г., в 0:32, Uwe Schreiber <uwe.h.schrei...@t-online.de
>>>> написал(а):
>>> I'am searching a solution for deploying client updates using
>>> Operations
>>> Center 8.1.4.
>>> My OC hub (is spoke as well) is not able to connect direct to
>>> https://p
>>> ublic.dhe.ibm.com/...
>>> I have to use a proxy configuration to enable that communication.
>>> So I configured the variables http_proxy / https_proxy with the
>>> according proxy informations for the instance user within the RHEL
>>> 7.4
>>> operating System.
>>> Testing using "curl" and "wget" works as expected when trying to
>>> download an deployment package.
>>> For forcing the instance to do a software package refresh I
>>> restarted
>>> the instance, but I still got the error
>>> ANR3763E An error occurred while the catalog file used for client
>>> updates was downloading from
>>> https://public.dhe.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/catalo
>>> g/cl
>>> ient/catalog.json.
>>> After restarting the instance a "tcpdump" was showing packets to
>>> "public.dhe.ibm.com" using https.
>>> The tcpdump tool stops to show such packets as soon as I get the
>>> above
>>> message within the activity-log of the instance.
>>> So I assume that dsmserv is ignoring the environment variables for
>>> the
>>> proxy configuration.
>>> As well I tried to tell the hub instance to load the client update
>>> packages from a local filesystem instead by downloading them from
>>> IBM,
>>> by modifying the local installed catalog.json file to use
>>> "file://..."
>>> instead of "https://...."; .... without success.
>>> It seems that the usage of https is "hard coded".
>>> I already tried a manual import of the client autodeployment
>>> packages,
>>> as well as the package for the update manager.
>>> But querying the manifest table by using "select
>>> pkg_name,pkg_type,state from client_pkg" is showing the packages
>>> with
>>> state=2.
>>> I assume as long as the client update package manager is not able
>>> to do
>>> the software download the state will not change and there
>>> is no possibility to deploy any software to the attached clients.

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