Hi guys!
We have always used a script to install the TSM client code on new Linux 
clients. Since the server was upgraded to 7.1.8 (and thus are suffering from 
the new security features) the script fails. The admin session which is 
supposed to define the new node on the TSM server is rejected with the message 
"ANR0404W Session 66 for administrator ADMIN (Linux x86-64) refused - client is 
down-level with this server version.". This can be fixed once by a upd admin 
ADMIN sessionsecurity=transitional at which point the certificate is exchanged 
and the session is working again. But because the sessionsecurity is 
immediately set to strict afterwards by TSM, the next time the script is run on 
a different client, it fails again.
Has anybody been able to find some work-around for this?
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage Engineering

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