Hi, it takes 1,5 hours for 1,3 TB of database if everything is OK.. Two streams to tape. Problem is sometimes that is too long time if the dbbackup is triggered when the log is 80(?) percent and something is going on which creates lot of archivelogs. Like reorganization.. I think it was more convenient with TSM version 5 where "backup incremental" would clear the log in no time.
Hans Chr. On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 12:53 AM, Harris, Steven < steven.har...@btfinancialgroup.com> wrote: > Hans Chr. > > What are you backing your DB up to? Could you use some flash disk or > tiered disk storage? Create a special device class just for this > situation, backup your database to it, then immediately start your normal > DB backup. As soon as the normal backup is complete you can delete the > fast disk backup and return the space. > > Cheers > > Steve > > Steven Harris > TSM Admin/Consultant > Canberra Australia > > > -----Original Message----- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of > Remco Post > Sent: Tuesday, 20 February 2018 2:11 AM > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Command to only backup and clear archive logs > > you need a bigger archive log, or better backup performance (more recent > versions of TSM allow you to specify the number of parallel sessions in set > dbrecovery). > > > Op 19 feb. 2018, om 10:22 heeft Hans Christian Riksheim < > bull...@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven: > > > > Does TSM/DB2 have that possibility, like Oracle MSSQL? > > > > Problem is when the archivelog filesystem goes full we have to wait > > for the full dbbackup to be finished before archive logs are backed up > and cleared. > > Since we have to disable all sessions and other processes(this > > generates even more logs) we have several hours of outage each time this > happens. > > > > > > > > Hans Chr. > > -- > > Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards, > > Remco Post > r.p...@plcs.nl > +31 6 248 21 622 > > This message and any attachment is confidential and may be privileged or > otherwise protected from disclosure. You should immediately delete the > message if you are not the intended recipient. If you have received this > email by mistake please delete it from your system; you should not copy the > message or disclose its content to anyone. > > This electronic communication may contain general financial product advice > but should not be relied upon or construed as a recommendation of any > financial product. The information has been prepared without taking into > account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider > the Product Disclosure Statement relating to the financial product and > consult your financial adviser before making a decision about whether to > acquire, hold or dispose of a financial product. > > For further details on the financial product please go to > http://www.bt.com.au > > Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. >