Hi Steve,

I think that snapdiff is only usefull when there's a large number of files in 
the share, avoiding to have to do a full scan of the share to determine the 
Why are you using snapdiff in your case ? Have you tried the basic progressive 
incremental way ?

Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي
Erwann SIMON

----- Mail original -----
De: "Steve Schaub" <steve_sch...@bcbst.com>
Envoyé: Lundi 12 Février 2018 15:35:36
Objet: [ADSM-L] Trying again

Didn't see a response to this so I'm trying one more time, cause I think 
someone out there knows the answer.

We have 6 Netapp fileshares that have a small number of large files but TB 
daily change rates.
When Snapdiff runs, we are not seeing the number of sessions we expect after 
setting resourceutilization=10.
Is this due to how TSM is receiving the changed file list from the Netapp?
Would we be better off forcing CreateNewBase=yes on every run to increase 

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