You could configure a new DataMover to handle that VM.
In the preview, is the order alphabetical? If so, can you rename the VM?
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On Feb 8, 2018, 11:17:20 PM, steven.har...@btfinancialgroup.com wrote:
From: steven.har...@btfinancialgroup.com
Date: Feb 8, 2018, 11:17:20 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Influencing order of VM backup.
Hi All
Thanks for the input on my recent query about 7 Year VM backups. I'll let
you know when I decide something.
Moving on..
TSM Server AIX, Datamovers and Storage Agents on Redhat, writing
to Protectier VTL, TSM for VE 7.1.1/2 hybrid.
We can't use the VMware plugin because of separation of duties concerns, so
we edit the DOMAIN.VMFULL lines in the dsm.sys stanzas. VMs have a range of
different sizes that all back up on the same schedule and we'd prefer not to
split this up. The execution order of the VM backups is determined by TSM for
VE, somehow, and can be seen when a backup vm -preview is run.
There are some large VMs that take quite a while to back up, but
unfortunately run late in the execution order, so we overrun our backup window.
Changing the order of the VMs in the DOMAIN.VMFULL statement does not
influence execution order. Is there any way to make the big ones run first?
Steven Harris
TSM Admin/Consultant
Canberra Australia
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