Hi Eric, 1- on the target copy the domain, change copygroup destinations to filepool, act poli 2- on the target, reg node on the copied dom 3- export node filed=whatever replacedefs=n merge=yes 4- on the target, upd n to desired dom 5- on the target convert stg
been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Thanks for hiring a specialist ;-) > On 7 Dec 2017, at 11:27, Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM > <eric-van.l...@klm.com> wrote: > > Hi guys, > Just to let you know: the trick to export to a file pool and convert it > afterwards won't work... You cannot specify a different storagepool in the > export node command, so the export will go to the storagepool defined in the > copygroup of the node's domain, which is the containerpool and thus the > export fails. I can't change the nodes domain either, because it's already > backing up to the containerpool and I only wanted to move the archive data > created in the past on the source server. > I will have to use replication instead. Thanks for all your help! > Kind regards, > Eric van Loon > Air France/KLM Storage Engineering > > -----Original Message----- > From: Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM > Sent: donderdag 30 november 2017 12:15 > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: RE: Moving archive data to a directory container > > Hi Marc, > I didn't know you can convert a storagepool into an already existing > containerpool, thanks. I think I will remove some directories from the > containerpool to make room for a new filepool. I will export all archives in > there and convert it to the existing containerpool afterwards. As soon as all > nodes are moved, I will delete the filepool and add the disks back to the > containerpool. > Thanks for your help! > Kind regards, > Eric van Loon > Air France/KLM Storage Engineering > > > -----Original Message----- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Marc > Lanteigne > Sent: woensdag 29 november 2017 17:42 > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: Re: Moving archive data to a directory container > > Hi, > > You might be able to use node replication to move the data from the old > server into the new server. > > If you go with the import into a filepool method, you don't need two > directory container pools, you can convert the filepool into the existing > container pool. > - > Thanks, > Marc... > ________________________________________________________ > Marc Lanteigne > Accelerated Value Specialist for Spectrum Protect > 416.478.0233 | marclantei...@ca.ibm.com > Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:00 to 16:00 Eastern > > Follow me on: Twitter, developerWorks, LinkedIn > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM [mailto:eric-van.l...@klm.com] > Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 12:18 PM > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: [ADSM-L] Moving archive data to a directory container > > Hi guys! > We are migrating our clients from a version 6 server to a new 7.1.7 server > with a directory container pool. Switching clients is easy, just updating the > option files and they will start a new backup cycle on the new TSM server. > But a lot of clients also store long term archives. I can't think of a way to > move the archives from the v6 server to the v7 server since import is not > supported to a directory pool. The only trick I can come up with is defining > a file pool on the v7 server, moving all archives in here and converting it > to a directory container afterwards, but I need extra storage for it and I > end up with two directory pools (at least until all archives are gone) and > that is not what I want... > Does anybody else know some trick to move these archives? > Thanks for any help in advance! > Kind regards, > Eric van Loon > Air France/KLM Storage Engineering > > ******************************************************** > For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.klm.com&d=DwIFAg&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=hMBqtRSV0jXgOdXEmlNk_-O9LHkPCGSh9PJBRSlL8Q4&m=MHcroyMTlfnvImqh8Xh27U_KSsiOrHx1DbJnIMM3kLo&s=7tfcdgEk2ax4u5oKCXjTNUIys5evvzyXrdwJ2_hzr0o&e=. > This e-mail and any attachment may contain confidential and privileged > material intended for the addressee only. 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