On Wed, 2017-11-22 at 16:08 +0000, Reese, Michael A (Mike) CIV USARMY 21
SIG BDE (US) wrote:
> I've been snagged by this on many occasions myself.  The worst time was when 
> 40 TB of data had to get backed up again because a system admin made a simple 
> permission change at the root directory.
> I agree with you that since TSM now uses DB2 for its database, it should be 
> able to handle storing permissions for Windows clients in the TSM database, 
> just like it does for Linux clients.  If you're willing to create an RFE, 
> I'll vote for it!

I would argue that the way it works with Unix and Linux is way worse:
only the latest "version" of permissions is stored. Yes, it's nice that
something like "chgrp -R foo /large/tree" does not trigger a huge
backup, but I almost consider it to be a fundamental design flaw of TSM
that you cannot restore old permissions on POSIX platforms.

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