hello if you use DRM (prepare), you can have all you need from output from
prepare command. Normaly I send this file via email to few maill addresses
and also on usb together with dbs + copy pool to offsite

On Thursday, November 23, 2017, Richard van Denzel <rvanden...@gmail.com>

> Yep. I realized it after I sent the mail.
> Now only if I could remember which version I had installed....
> Richard
> Op 23 nov. 2017 21:43 schreef "Sasa Drnjevic" <sasa.drnje...@srce.hr
> <javascript:;>>:
> You need the following to be able to restore:
> 1) DB backup (full + logs for PIT restore or just DBsnapshot)
> 2) dsmserv.opt
> 3) volhistory backup (or at least the last DBBackup entry)
> 4) devconfig backup
> No.2 was probably in your /tsminst1 home, but if you know your
> installation you can recreate dsmserv.opt - just use the correct options
> and values.
> No.3 - in what location did you backup your volhistory? - you can also
> recreate this one - you need just the last entry with the right DB
> backup...but you must know exactly, when and where it was backed up, and
> which devclass...
> No.4 - same as no.3 considering location where you backed up devconf.
> This one could also be recreated, but depending on your configuration it
> could be the most complicated of all three...maybe even impossible :-(
> Wish you luck.
> Regards,
> --
> Sasa Drnjevic
> www.srce.unizg.hr
> On 2017-11-23 20:25, Richard van Denzel wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > A while ago my Linux system (running TSM 7.1.3) died and was unable to
> boot
> > anymore.
> > Sadly enough I had to reinstall it, overwriting the system disk (where my
> > /tsminst1 resided).
> >
> > Is there a way to recover my TSM DB without the /tsminst1 present? My
> > data-disk (DB, LOG, Arch , DBBackup and StoragePools) were in different
> > volumegroups and are still there.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Richard

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