Hi to all Want to backup directly to LTO7 tapes and only in one tape till is full.
When my maxnummp is 1 for the node name got a lot of warning as: 09/05/2017 16:44:17 ANR0539W Transaction failed for session 20900 for node IIP DM-LAB-FISH. This node has exceeded its maximum number of mount points. (SESSION: 20900) I made some research and find this article: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21584672 No resourceutilization option specified so default: 2 As the article said I increase the maxnummp to 3 , this night the backup took 3 tapes !!!!! In my q node f=d I see: Keep Mount Point?: No Did I have to change it to YES , to backup to only one tape ? Any suggestions ??? Best Regards Robert