Hi Shawn,

great! thanks! This is really useful. I guess only IBM knows what syslog 
facility is being used…

> On 24 Aug 2017, at 02:29, Shawn Drew <shaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this syntax is specific to rsyslog (which you probably have)
> When you put it in the conf, make sure it is above the line for the
> messages file
> if $programname == 'dsmserv' and not ($msg contains 'REPORTING_ADMIN')
> and not ($msg contains 'ANR8592I') then /var/log/dsmserv.log
> & @splunkserver.intranet
> & ~
> That is 3 lines, in case it wraps.
> Line 1) I am filtering out messages that are created by a specific
> data-collector service account (connects every 5 minutes) and a specific
> informational message.  Make sure and setup logrotation for this log
> Line 2) Duplicate the log msg previously described and also send it to
> "splunkserver.intranet"
> Line 3) Any log already filtered, do not include in any further logging.
> This prevents TSM logs from also showing up in the messages file but
> needs to be before the messages line in the conf for this to work.
> This sends the message using the standard syslog protocol to
> "splunkserver.intranet".  That server receives the message using the its
> own standard rsyslog installation (needs to be configured to receive
> syslog)  Then splunk will monitor the messages file and load it into the
> index.  You can then use splunk filters if you want to move it to a
> separate index or whatever. I have all the TSM/DataDomain stuff going
> into an isolated index.  I think splunk can be configured to receive
> syslog messages directly but we don't do it that way (I don't run the
> splunk server)
> On 8/23/2017 3:56 PM, Remco Post wrote:
>> Tell me more, please. I'm quite sure that there is Splunk in my future as 
>> well, can you share your syslog config?


 Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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