Hi Eric,

I've been in this situation before a while back and what I did was about
the same, I did a query container from a for loop based on the output from
the find command on the filesytems I believe and every container I did not
find in Spectrum protect was deleted (rc != 0 on the dsmadmc q container)
was deleted on the filesystem by hand, I double checked everything.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM <
eric-van.l...@klm.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm working on a procedure on how to handle a TSM server (with a container
> pool) when a database is restored to the latest backup. When you do this,
> you might end up with containers which were created after the last backup
> and which are not known to the TSM server because they were not yet created
> at the time of the last backup.
> In my case all containers are located in subdirectories in
> /tech/tsm/server, I use the following command to count them:
> find /tech/tsm/server/container* -type f|wc -l
> and then I use this command to count the amount of containers in TSM:
> select count(*) from containers
> The amount should be the same. If there are more files on the local
> filesystem than in TSM, these are obsolete and should be removed. The SP
> manual (chapter Recovery from data loss outages) suggests to use the audit
> container <container_name> action=removedamaged to delete the container,
> but that doesn't seem to work.  To test this I copied a container to a temp
> file on the local filesystem, moved the source container to a new one in
> TSM (temporarily set reusedelay=0) and as soon as the source file was gone,
> renamed the temp file to the same name as the source file. As soon as I
> audit it, it is not being removed:
> ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN command: AUDIT CONTAINER
> /tech/tsm/server/container00/01/00000000000001c7.dcf action=removedamaged
> ANR3710I This command will delete container 
> /tech/tsm/server/container00/01/00000000000001c7.dcf
> from the file system.
> ANR3711E Container /tech/tsm/server/container00/01/00000000000001c7.dcf
> will not be removed from the file system.
> ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: ROLLBACK
> The message ANR3711E seems to indicate that the header could not be
> validated...
> What should be the right procedure to handle such a situation then? Just
> delete the obsolete containers manually?
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage Engineering
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