Is there any reason I can't upgrade from 7.1.7.x to 8.1.1 using the
Passport download package?  Do I have to go to 8.1.0 first?

I am working on a test server - RHEL7.  It was - installed - no problem.

Extracted the 8.1.1 package from Passport so it includes the license file
but installing it as an "Update" fails trying to uninstall DB2, I think.
Been Googling anything on install/upgrade and there isn't anything special
for me to do as far as I know/can find, other than *./ -c*.
Don't have any issues with disk space or ulimits. The ever popular "if you
have a failure - check these logs and fix the problem" is pretty useless.
This is all I can find:

ERROR: The deinstallation process cannot continue while there are DB2
instances related to the current DB2 copy. If you need to move up or down a
level from this DB2 level, use the installFixPack command from the DB2
image for the level you desire to move to, which will update this copy. If
you are only trying to
uninstall this DB2 copy, you must either drop the related instance(s)
"tsminst1" first, or you can update the instances to another DB2 copy which
at the same version as this DB2 copy, then restart the db2_deinstall

Preparing the system :.......Failure

*Zoltan Forray*
Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator
Xymon Monitor Administrator
VMware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
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