
The following should work, on a Windows 2016 server:

dsmc restore backupset {"\\rcipserver\c$"}\* e:\rcip-c\
-backupsetname=RCIP-RETAIN-6-MONTH.777843459 -loc=server -subdir=yes
-virtualnode=rcipserver -password=*****

substituted single quotation marks with double quotation marks

added -virtualnode=rcipserver

added -password=*****

Giacomo Testa
Mobile +39 342 847 2983

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Lee, Gary
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 19:50
Subject: [ADSM-L] restoring files from a backupset from another node

Tsm server

Clients 7.1.6.

Both clients windows.

Client rcipserver has a backupset

Want to restore a filespace on set-a to another client restore-temp.

Looks like a restore backupset cannot be scheduled so created a macro as

restore backupset {'\\rcipserver\c$'}\* e:\rcip-c\
-backupsetname=RCIP-RETAIN-6-MONTH.777843459 -loc=server -subdir=yes

receive the following from the server.

06/23/2017 13:05:19      ANR0406I Session 28451 started for node
                          (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip
                          (SESSION: 28451)
06/23/2017 13:05:21      ANR3540E Object set
                          43459:File was not found for session 28451,
                          RESTORE-TEMP. (SESSION: 28451)
06/23/2017 13:05:23      ANR1626I The previous message (message number 3540)
                          repeated 2 times.
06/23/2017 13:05:23      ANR2507I Schedule RESTORE-RCIP for domain TWOWEEKS
                          started at 06/23/2017 01:04:39 PM for node
                          completed successfully at 06/23/2017 01:05:23 PM.
                          (SESSION: 28451)
06/23/2017 13:05:23      ANR0403I Session 28452 ended for node RESTORE-TEMP

Output from query backupset f=d follows.

                   Node Name: RCIPSERVER
             Backup Set Name: RCIP-RETAIN-6-MONTH.777843459
                   Data Type: File
                   Date/Time: 05/17/2017 08:33:06
            Retention Period: 185
           Device Class Name: TS1120-RB-ON-BACK
                 Description: rcipserver retain until 11/17/2017 Has Table
of Contents (TOC)?: No
             Filespace names: RCIPSERVER\SystemState\NULL\System
State\SystemState \\rcipserver\c$ \\rcipserver\e$ \\rcipserver\f$
                Volume names: 550025 227337

What have I overlooked in the client users guide?

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