Dear TSM-ers,
We are almost in production with our first directory containerpool TSM server. 
We did a lot of testing with client vs server-side dedup and overall 
client-side was faster. But not on one of our Linux clients. This machine has a 
filesystem with nearly two million files, total amount of data is 227 GB. The 
server backs up through 1Gb Ethernet and with server-side dedup the backup 
takes 03:54. With client-side dedup enabled, the backup runs for 12:02! The 
client contains 16 CPU's and average utilization is no more than 10%. No 
swapping during a backup.
I opened a PMR, but the support offices tries to convince me that client-side 
dedup is slower (twice as slow) by default. I really have a very hard time 
believing this. What is your experience with client-side dedup in combination 
with a large amount of smaller (approx. 1 Mb) files?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage Engineering
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