Hello, With IBM Spectrum Protect Version 7.1.7 and later, you can protect directory-container storage pools by copying the data to container-copy storage pools, where the data is stored on tape volumes. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ_8.1.0/ srv.admin/t_contcp_stgpool_protect.html
But the question is, when i have a spectrum protect with NOT extended edition license, how i can rotate tape volumes offsite without using DRM that is not included in the license? Knowledge center (link above) says: "If DRM is not configured, you must do so or USE AN ALTERNATE METHOD TO ROTATE TAPES OFFSITE" If i try to rotate offsite like legacy copy storage pool, updating the volume access and location, for scripting tape rotation, i get: ANR2117E UPDATE VOLUME: Access mode for volume 000001L7 cannot be changed to "offsite" - volume either does not belong to a copy storage pool or from a device class of DEVTYPE=SERVER. ANR2212I UPDATE VOLUME: No volumes updated. The volume was checked out from the library, but the access is "readwrite". The next "protect stgpool type=local" the volume probably will be attempted to access, and will be put in unavailable. Butreclamation will be effective and the volume will be reclaimed and "scratched" So that I can bring it back to free when it reaches the empty state? I can not understand how it may be mandatory to have DRM. Regards. Mark