AIX TSM server 7.1.5
AIX BA client 7.1.6 on AIX 7100-03

One of our servers is having the BA client hang.
They are doing a Oracle archive backup:
   /usr/bin/dsmc incremental -subdir=yes -se=oracle-bkup /xxxx/arch_yyyy.log

They process the archive logs individually - one dsmc per log  file, then 
delete the archive log after a good backup.  

Every couple of days a dsmc will hang.  The TSM server shows the session 
started and in idleW state.  On the client the dsmc is running one processor 
mostly flat out.  There is nothing in dsmerror.log.  The dsminstr.log shows the 
process starting, but nothing else.

I googled and searched IBM, but not finding anything.

We just added -enableinstrumation=yes to the cmd to see if that gives any 
better info.

Any thought are welcome!


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