
If you want to migrate to a smaller volume I suggest you add that volume
(directory) to the same storagepool and just migrate the data using a move
container command after placing the original container in readonly mode.

I still think it isn't possible to really move to another storagepool.


On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 8:38 AM, <> wrote:

> Hello all
> Working with TSM server version and Directory stg pools.
> I  have a stg pool with a large capacity and I want to create a new stg
> pool smaller. I wonder what will be  the correct process to move the data
> from stg1 to stg2.
> Both of them are with type directory.
> To use MOVE CONTAINER ???  or MOVE DATA ??? or another command ?
> Any suggestion , tips or commands
> Best Regards
> Robert
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