Thank you!  I have just voted for this RFE.  With such a field we would be able 
to store our internal billing account number for each TSM node.
Ben Alford
University of Tennessee

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Conny 
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:54 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] RFE: Node custom information user field


I've placed an RFE for what I in short call 'Node custom information user field'

As described in the RFE:
A 'custom information' field is desirable where we could input information in 
any format we as a user wish. There is no custom field to use for node details. 
Only 'Contact' field is available and it is not sufficient.

The use cases are many, and as described in the RFE:
This could be used as a normal textfield or for for example a JSON string, or 
an XML string for easy integration with other systems. Sometimes we simply need 
somewhere to place some information for a particular node or for all nodes. For 
example to track who the end customer is for the node, agreement number for the 
node, or what system it belongs to. It's a free user 'custom information' field 
so the possibilities for it's use case is pretty much what we as end users can 
imagine using it for.

If you think this is a good idea please vote for it.

Best regards
Conny Landstedt

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