On 23.1.2017. 15:44, Loon, Eric van (ITOPT3) - KLM wrote:
> Hi TSM/SP-ers!
> I have something weird when using te following SQL queries:
> select sum(fs_used_size),sum(fs_total_size) from sysibmadm.snapstorage_paths
>            Unnamed[1]                Unnamed[2]
> ---------------------     ---------------------
>           74434565120              692060160000
> Now, when I try to calculate a percentage, I get the following result:
> tsm: AMSE3>select cast(sum(fs_used_size)*100/sum(fs_total_size)as 
> decimal(3,1))
> from sysibmadm.snapstorage_paths
> Unnamed[1]
> ----------
>       10.0
> That is not correct, 74434565120 *100 / 692060160000 = 10.75... What am I 
> doing wrong here?
> Thanks for any help in advance!

Missing FLOAT statement and greater DECIMAL range?

select cast(FLOAT(sum(fs_used_size))*100/sum(fs_total_size)as
decimal(4,2)) from sysibmadm.snapstorage_paths


Sasa Drnjevic

> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage Engineering
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