Whenever we have a situation like this we always tar.gz into one file first, before archiving to TSM .. either the top level directory or multiple lower level directories, if it makes sense to do so, based on what the retrieval expectations might be.
Also very useful is to tar.gz verbosely, write that out to a file and archive that file along with the gz. That way, later, you can get a reference of what was in the archive without having to retrieve and extract the gz file. And demonstrate to auditors that the files were archived successfully. -- Graham Stewart Network and Storage Services Manager Information Technology Services University of Toronto Libraries 416-978-6337 If there is some high level structureOn Jan 20, 2017, at 09:22, Bo Nielsen <boa...@dtu.dk<mailto:boa...@dtu.dk>> wrote: Hi all, I need advice. I must archive 80 billion small files, but that is not possible, as I see it. since it will fill in the TSM's Database about 73 Tb. The filespace is mounted on a Linux server. Is there a way to pack/zip the files, so it's a smaller number of files. anybody who has tried this ?? Regards, Bo Nielsen IT Service Technical University of Denmark IT Service Frederiksborgvej 399 Building 109 DK - 4000 Roskilde Denmark Mobil +45 2337 0271 boa...@dtu.dk<mailto:boa...@dtu.dk>