Hi to all I check in my test environment the PROTECT STG process …. Works fine
I run in my source server the command : protect stg SOURCESTG purgedata=all type=replserver (To delete the data in the TARGETSTG and got success) 01/16/2017 14:05:12 ANR4980I The protect storage pool process for V7000_5 on server POSTBACK to TSMREP_STG1 on server TSMREP is complete. Extents protected: 0 of 0. Extents failed to protect: 0. Extents deleted: 945874 of 945874. Amount protected: 0 bytes of 0 bytes. Amount failed: 0 bytes. Amount transferred: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 0 Hours, 4 Minutes. (SESSION: 85989, PROCESS: 66) 01/16/2017 14:05:12 ANR0985I Process 66 for PROTECT STGPOOL running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at 14:05:12. (SESSION: 85989, PROCESS: 66) Did is enough to clear the data from the TARGETSTG or need to run more commands as expire inv …. Best Regards Robert [cid:image001.png@01D1284F.C3B0B400]<http://computing.haifa.ac.il/> רוברט אוזן ראש תחום שרידות וזמינות נתונים. אוניברסיטת חיפה משרד: בניין ראשי, חדר 5015 טלפון: 04-8240345 (פנימי: 2345) דואר: rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il _____________________________________________________ אוניברסיטת חיפה | שד' אבא חושי 199 | הר הכרמל, חיפה | מיקוד: 3498838 אתר אגף מחשוב ומערכות מידע: http://computing.haifa.ac.il<http://computing.haifa.ac.il/>