Do a...

Query NODEData node_name

And also...

Query SEssion Format=Detailed

...and that might give you some answers.


Sasa Drnjevic

On 13.1.2017. 15:16, Rhodes, Richard L. wrote:
> Hi,
> Last night a DBA tried to do a restore of some files.  He get returned
>   01/12/17   22:01:07 ANS4035W File 'xxxxxxx' currently unavailable on server.
> The client data is on tape.
> The tape drives and library are handled by a separate dedicated library 
> manager instance.
> I see:
>   on tsm server
>      the client restore session
>      the sessions to the library mgr instance (I think)
>   on lib mgr
>      the session which I believe would be for the mount (I think)
>  on tsm server
>      ANS4025 errors for all files for the restore
> Nowhere is there any indication of WHY the files are unavailable.
> Nowhere is there any indication of what volume(s) were trying to be used.
> I checked:
>   there were tape drives free in the library
>   all tape volumes are read/write or read-only
>   no tape errors or hdwr errors
> Q)  Any thoughts on why the files would be unavailable?
> Q)  How can you tell specific volumes are needed for a client restore?
> The only thing I can think of is that the volumes are unavailable, but I 
> can't figure out what volumes it wanted to use.
> Rick
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