Hi Gary

You can do it backup .. drop .. restore way but you might also try way
which is possible to be done even on working server.

1. add new storage paths  by extend dbspace
2. from db2 run rebalance on each tablespace eg:
db2 alter tablespace LARGESPACE1 rebalance
and then reduce max on each:
db2 alter tablespace LARGESPACE1 reduce max
2. from db2 drop old space with :
alter database drop storage on '/bla/bla', '/bla/bla'
(dont worry what it does is to leave data and just doesn't write new data
to the disk)
3. db2 rebalance/reduce on each tablespace again
4. In the end old dbspaces should shrink to some initial size (like 1GB or
so) and will disappear at next restart.

You will not find this solution in tsm manuals (dont know why?)  but its
tested and working:)
Keep in mind that some tricky rebalance rules come in place here (like to
rebalance 1G tablespace into two 500M on new path you have to provide 1G
initially to have it even started) so if you want to spread some big
tablespaces into many small ones its recommended to do it in few loops...

Have Fun
Krzysztof Przygoda

2016-12-30 15:02 GMT+01:00 Lee, Gary <g...@bsu.edu>:

> TSM server 6.3.4
> Running on RHEL 6.7
> Finally received a 24 drive disk shelf to attach to my tsm server.
> Now want to move the db from a single mirrored disk pair to four smaller
> raided disks to gain speed.
> I can add the new directories easily enough, but how to remove the old db
> directory to re-use the disk space?

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