According to Zoltan Forray > I have a user who after upgrading their Linux client to 8.1 now has a > problem with backups stopping suddenly due to APAR IT13701 whose fix is in > the 8.1 client. > > Before upgrading to 8.1, the backups ran fine. > > I have gone back and forth with them about this being a "fix", not a > problem but for obvious reasons, he doesn't agree since this wasn't a > problem before upgrading to 8.1? > > The APAR states: > > IT13701: CLIENT CRASHES DURING BACKUP WHEN PROCESSING AN INVALID DIRECTORY > STRUCTURE > > but they did not have any crashes so my guess is their directory structure > is just over 1400 but not enough to cause a crash/memory problem. >
I've a similar problem with the client on a Red Hat 8 system: ANS0361I DIAG: incrdrv.cpp (10473): ERROR: PrivIncrFileSpace(): path '/home/sys/sccwww-intern/Software/TS M/statistik/Kontakte/install-mails' contains more directory levels than it can be processed... ANS1999E Incremental processing of '/home/sys/sccwww-intern' stopped. ANS6718E The path contains too many nested subdirectories. The maximum number of nested directories is 1400. A PMR was opened. IBM has proposed to set the following in the dsm.opt option file: TESTFLAGS threadstacksize:2048 In my case it has helped as a workaround. Greetings, Heinz -------------------------------------------------------------- Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT) Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) Heinz Flemming Scientific Data Management (SDM) 76131 Karlsruhe --------------------------------------------------------------