Hi Robert,

Best practice is to format the database and log disks with a 4K unit size.
Please refer to the TSM Server... oops Spectrum Protect Server Blueprints:


Page 25 from the Windows version, v2.3:
For the database and active log, a 4 K unit size is used. For example:
format c:\tsminst1\TSMfile00 /fs:NTFS /v:TSMfile00 /A:4096 /q

For all other types, a 64 K unit size is used. For example:
format c:\tsminst1\TSMfile00 /fs:NTFS /v:TSMfile00 /A:64K /q

2016-12-26 14:54 GMT+01:00 rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il <rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il>

> Hello All
> A quick question , how to format DB / LOG disks  in  TSM Widows Server
> 2012 environment.  4K or 64K  ???
> Best Regards
> Robert

Kind Regards, Groetje,

Marcel Anthonijsz
T: +31(0)299-776768

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