> On 19 Dec 2016, at 17:20, Del Hoobler <hoob...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hi Remco,
> OpenStack Keystone version 3 is not currently supported with Spectrum 
> Protect.
> Today, Spectrum Protect supports Keystone version 1 and Keystone version 
> 2.

Hi Del,

thanks. Do you know if the v3 API in on the roadmap? And secondly, you don’t 
happen to have a document describing how I can make my keystone server accept 
the v2 api? As the v2 API is deprecated since keystone v 9.0

> Del
> ----------------------------------------------------
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 12/18/2016 
> 11:24:58 AM:
>> From: Remco Post <r.p...@plcs.nl>
>> Date: 12/18/2016 11:25 AM
>> Subject: openstack swift and TSM 8.1
>> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
>> Hi All,
>> I’m working on a design for a new TSM deployment and am testing 
>> openstack swift as a backend. So in my ’lab’ I installed opestack 
>> keystone and swift according to the openstack cookbook and TSM 8.1.
>> I’ve tested openstack swift functionality and am able to store and 
>> retrieve data from it. I can also connect to all relevant services 
>> from my TSM server (tested using telnet), but unfortunately there 
>> seems to be no way I can convince TSM to validate my cloud set-up. 
>> It seems that TSM depends on keystone v1 or v2, while the current 
>> version for keystone api is v3. 
>> Has anone got TSM working with openstack swift? And what values did 
>> you use? for instance, the v3 api does away with the whole tenant 
> concept...
>> -- 
>> Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,
>> Remco Post
>> r.p...@plcs.nl
>> +31 6 248 21 622


 Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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