On Tue, 6 Dec 2016, Ryder, Michael S <michael_s.ry...@roche.com> wrote:

Sorry, backing up into a TSM Server with TSM Storage Pools and TSM Tape Library.


What are you backing up to?  tape?  disk?  purpose-built storage like a
Data Domain?


Best regards,

Mike <http://rbbuswiki.bbg.roche.com/wiki/ryderm_page:start>, x7942
RMD IT Client Services

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 3:02 AM, Andreas Landhäußer <aland...@gmx.de> wrote:

Hello TSM B/A experts out there,

for a new project there is a Backup/DR requirement for a 3 Generation
Backup also called Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS).

We cannot rewrite the requirements, they are set!

I have discussed with several colleagues, they suggested a daily
incremental, 4 or 5x weekly full, and maybe 12x monthly full Backups copies.

In summary 19 copies of data (~500GB) taken, 12 with a retention time of
one year, four or five with retention time of one month, the inactive daily
incremental copies have a retention time of 30 days. Active copies NEVER

19 copies of about 0.5 TB, which will probably never be used, is a huge
overhead, even when we a reducing the monthly backups to two or three
copies, there are still many never used copies.

In our case, we are going to pay for the storage, since we are using TSM
VE and Linux VMs as guests, since we do not see a possibility for charging
the different owners of the VMs.

Does anyone know a better and less expensive solution  for fulfilling this
requirement with IBM Spectrum Scale Protect



Andreas Landhäußer                              +49 151 12133027 (mobile)

Andreas Landhäußer                              +49 151 12133027 (mobile)

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