Hi ADSMers,

I'm having some trouble with TSM not picking the right media type when
requesting a scratch tape for a storage pool in an ACSLS-managed library.
This library is a SL3000, with a mix of LTO6 and LTO7 drives, and LTO5,
LTO6, and LTO7 media.

We're using the "pseudo-partitioning" method, where we have a separate
library for each drive type (i.e. ACSLS-LIB1-LTO6 and ACSLS-LIB1-LTO7), and
separate device classes for each media type (LIB1-LTO5, LIB1-LTO6,
LIB1-LTO7). LIB1-LTO5 and LIB1-LTO6 both use ACSLS-LIB1-LTO6, while
LIB1-LTO7 uses ACSLS-LIB1-LTO7. The device class recording format is set to
a specific LTO generation: LIB1-LTO5 is set to ULTRIUM5C, LIB1-LTO6 is set
to ULTRIUM6C, and LIB1-LTO7 is set to ULTRIUM7C.

When we load media into the library, we have ACSLS automatically move the
cartridges from the CAP into the storage cells. Then, we check in the LTO5
and LTO6 scratch media into the LTO6 library, and LTO7 scratch media into
the LTO7 media.

Unfortunately, it seems that TSM is not completely aware of the media type
of the volumes in the LTO6 library. We've noticed a few instances of when
it's used a LTO6 cartridge for a storage pool using the LTO5 device class,
and vice versa. Oddly, this doesn't even cause any errors.

Have other folks solved this problem and, if so, what have been the fixes?


-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
-- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
-- University of Washington School of Medicine

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