Hi all.

I saw a message here regarding running registration of clients against the REST 
I am not able to get this working and the user did not include his fix in his 

Has anyone successfully tried this? I keep getting Internal Server error 
replies and the OC log says:

[11/18/16 11:08:42:206 GMT] 0001eeaf 
org.apache.wink.server.internal.registry.ResourceRegistry    I The system 
cannot find any method in the com.ibm.tsm.gui.rest.CliResource class that 
consumes application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type. Verify that a method 
exists that consumes the  media type specified.

Here is my command:
[jakob@centos-minimal ~]$ curl -s -X POST -H "OC-API-Version: 1.0" -H "Accept: 
application/json" --insecure --user jakob:foobar --data "query option"
{"error":{"httpStatus":"Internal Server Error","errorCode":500,"message":null}}

Regards, Jakob

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