Hi Gary,

Converting FILE/VTL/TAPE to cloud containers (using CONVERT STGPOOL) is 
not yet supported... although... watch this space, I expect something to 
be coming along shortly.

Prior to that, you would need to use NODE REPLICATION to send a copy of 
the data to a target server that stores its data in Amazon S3 cloud 

As an aside, there is no version "7.1.8" for Spectrum Protect. The latest 
version is 7.1.7.

Thank you,



"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 11/03/2016 
10:13:42 AM:

> From: "Lee, Gary" <g...@bsu.edu>
> Date: 11/03/2016 10:14 AM
> Subject: cloud container storage pools many questions.
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> I haven't got my head wrapped around container storage pools yet. 
> Unfortunately, since there is not an administration guide any more, 
> I'm not sure where to look for definitions, case studies, usage 
> suggestions etc.
> I tried the info center, but IBM's web sites are a challenge for a 
> blind user with screen reader software.
> So, I am asking the list for their combined wisdom.
> Our scenario:
> Tsm v 6.3.4, soon to upgrade to 7.1.8.
> Server OS redhat 6.7.
> Currently using a sequencial file pool for our vmware backups with 
> tsm for ve, and 3592 tapes in an old 3494 for all onsite and ofsite 
> tape storage for everything els.
> We want to move to AWS s3 storage, possibly then omitting offsite 
> I beta tested 7.1.7 AWS connectivity, and it worked ok. However, 
> cannot convert our onsite tape, or tsm for ve sequencial disk pools to 
> All information greatfully accepted. How tos, and other links will be 
> Thanks in advance for anything.

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