
Yes, you will definitely need to maintain a FILE pool for data that cannot be 
stored in a container pool (virtual volumes, etc).

When I did my conversion, I defined the container directories to the same 
locations as the FILE devclass without removing anything.  This created a 
shared directory structure that both pools would use.  As the FILE pool emptied 
due to volume conversion, the container pool would gain that space.

I didn’t delete any volumes or worry about removing directories from the FILE 
devclass until the conversion was complete.

The conversion should go quick, probably a couple days tops.



> On Sep 29, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Larry Bernacki <> 
> wrote:
> Matthew,
> Thank you for the response.  At present I only have 9TB of disk space 
> available which is allocated to a volume group, broken up into 6-1.5TB mounts 
> points tsmfile01-06.  My devtype=FILE devclass has the6 mount points defined 
> to it.
> What I've started doing it deleting the volumes from the tsmfile05 and 06 
> mount points so that I start with 3TB of space to define to a new container 
> pool.  I'll remove the tsmfile05 and tsmfile06 directories from the current 
> volumes devclass and create this new storage container pool using those two 
> mount points.  I've got more disk space ordered that I'll just add to the 
> container pool.  I'll probably leave 4.5 TB of the FILE type volumes for 
> files that cannot be put into the container pool and as a secondary pool for 
> the container pool.
> From your experience, does that sound correct?
> Thank you,
> Larry Bernacki
> Project Manager/Systems Programmer
> Laboratory Technical Services Branch, ANG-E13
> FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City International Airport, 
> NJ 08405
> (609) 485-7193
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Matthew McGeary
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 1:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Conversion from File to Storage Container on Linux
> Larry,
> I recently performed this conversion on all of our TSM servers.
> To simplify the process, I allocated the new container pool directories on 
> the same mountpoints and volume groups that held the FILE class data.  That 
> way, as your file volumes empty into the container class pool, you shouldn't 
> need more than 25% free space to keep things running smoothly.
> The convert stgpool process ran relatively quickly, I converted 250TB FILE 
> data to container in a few weeks. 
> For TSMB, I'd delete the storage pool with devclass file and create a new 
> container class pool to take it's place.  Then set up storage pool 
> replication to seed TSMB with TSMA data as the conversion process moves 
> through your data.  The convert process can (and should) be scheduled to run 
> during quiet periods for a set duration.  We ran ours for 6 hours a day.
> Let me know how you make out, but you should have no issues.  It ran smoothly 
> on all of our servers, from the smallest instance with ~10TB to our primary 
> server with ~250TB.
> Regards,
> __________________________
> Matthew McGeary
> Senior Technical Specialist - Infrastructure Management Services PotashCorp
> T: (306) 933-8921
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Larry Bernacki
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 8:02 AM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] Conversion from File to Storage Container on Linux
> Background - Earlier this year we moved TSM server from z/OS to Linuxx86_64 
> server and just then upgraded 2 TSM Servers to  7.1.7 from 7.1.1, each  with 
> 9TB of storage divided up across 6 mount points with the storage pool 
> allocated as a device class=FILE.  Each systems sequential FILE pool is 
> comprised of 174 - 50GB volumes. Currently the primary server TSMA has 3.2TB 
> of used space, with nothing yet on TSMB.   Our intention was to have TSMA be 
> the primary backup server, and TSMB be the offsite server, using Node 
> Replication to sync  the servers daily.
> Deduplication is not active at this point, but based on my IBM videos and 
> documentation it should be turned on with storage containers.
> Looking for some assistance. Has anyone converted from using a FILE dev class 
> configuration to Storage Containers?
> All disk drive space has been allocated.  Should I begin removing volumes to 
> free up space so that I can create an LVM for the storage pool container 
> directory?  Then slowly move the currently allocated node backup data on the 
> volumes to the storage containers?
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Larry Bernacki
> Project Manager/Systems Programmer
> Laboratory Technical Services Branch, ANG-E13 FAA William J. Hughes Technical 
> Center Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405

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