This change has been a pain point for us as well; the change resulted in
every client install taking about twice as much disk space as before.  We've
manually deleted the extra language files in some cases of tight disk space,
but have mostly resigned ourselves to it being another one of those losing
battles against vendor decisions.

I'm sure there was some reason for jamming all the language files into the
main packages, such as making some aspect of packaging easier, or a small
number of customers asking for it, but now the rest of us have to waste disk
space as a result...  Thanks for the "enhancement", IBM.


On 09/28/2016 10:23 AM, Tom Alverson wrote:
>> I notice on the newer versions of the client that all possible languages
>> are now installed.  Is there any way to suppress that installation so the
>> BACLIENT directory is not so cluttered?  I end up having to scroll around a
>> lot while troubleshooting client issues.  Maybe I should just try deleting
>> them at the end of my automated install script?

Hello World.                                David Bronder - Systems Architect
Segmentation Fault                                      ITS-EI, Univ. of Iowa
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.

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