We were able to determine it was a rights issue on the Isilon system.  TSM
needs root-level access.

However, our current problem is how TSM backs things up when using DFS
mounts.  Eventhough we specifically say to backup "\\rams.adp.vcu.edu\vpa\vp
administration\*", the only filesystem TSM sees and registers when it backs
up is the highest level, that being "\\rams.adp.vcu.edu\vpa" - it ignores
the "vp administration" sub-directory/folder.

Does anyone out there have experience with backing up DFS with TSM?  Is
this the way it is going to be?   This is back to each
department/group/area wanting total control over backup/restore of their

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Schneider, Jim <jschnei...@essendant.com>

> Do you have the correct capitalization in the backup command?
> Jim Schneider
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Zoltan Forray
> Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 7:54 AM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] Help with DFS backups
> We are redesigning our storage systems, moving to Isilon and to DFS vs
> Unfortunately, we have not been able to get TSM to backup the first test
> DFS mount.
> All efforts to run a backup the DFS fail with:
> Incremental backup of volume '\\rams.adp.vcu.edu\vpa\vp administration'
> ANS1228E Sending of object '\\rams.adp.vcu.edu\vpa\VP Administration'
> failed.
> *ANS4007E Error processing '\\rams.adp.vcu.edu <https://urldefense.
> proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__rams.adp.vcu.edu_&d=DQIBaQ&c=
> MqzcmAKsw3j3xTQl5efyrz6ChwH9_xFQsqxq8hPjflw&r=oC06_8Fv3bsc_6MYFkLOVjvWvgE-
> JVnMc6qtesQ14R0&m=FGrnyJKGKidLaS1WgSPITHIybdYao96cpsMsRS6Ip-A&s=
> JpzTtoiZFZZag3Nn8eLnC77-XeRLd9tdS020hD2N7nA&e= >\vpa\VP Administration':
> access to the object is
> denied*
> ANS1802E Incremental backup of '\\rams.adp.vcu.edu\vpa\VP Administration'
> finished with 1 failure(s)
> This is supposed to be the structure:
> Isilon - \\uccisilon.rams.adp.vcu.edu\VP Administration DFS - \\
> rams.adp.vcu.edu\VPA\VP Administration
> Normally the "access denied" would be an authorization/rights issue.
> However, everything has been checked and double-checked and supposedly (I
> don't have anything to do with it) is correct.
> Backing up the Isilon mountpoint works. This command fails with the
> "access denied" error:
> dsmc i -optfile=C:\tsmcifsnode\isilon-vpadmin\dsm-vpadmin.opt
> -subdir=yes  "\\rams.adp.vcu.edu\vpa\vp administration"
> So, what are we missing?
> --
> *Zoltan Forray*
> TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
> Xymon Monitor Administrator
> VMware Administrator (in training)
> Virginia Commonwealth University
> UCC/Office of Technology Services
> www.ucc.vcu.edu
> zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
> Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
> never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
> security number or confidential personal information. For more details
> visit https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__
> infosecurity.vcu.edu_phishing.html&d=DQIBaQ&c=
> MqzcmAKsw3j3xTQl5efyrz6ChwH9_xFQsqxq8hPjflw&r=oC06_8Fv3bsc_6MYFkLOVjvWvgE-
> JVnMc6qtesQ14R0&m=FGrnyJKGKidLaS1WgSPITHIybdYao96cpsMsRS6Ip-A&s=
> j5Kzor69UmuMAbR8r3Lsv6l9uRm50ZAn2FTOQgjdoEc&e=
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*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Xymon Monitor Administrator
VMware Administrator (in training)
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
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