Very often SAP HANA admins use the data compression to save memory. 
if so deduplication efficiency should fall.

> 7 сент. 2016 г., в 11:20, Martin Janosik <martin.jano...@cz.ibm.com> 
> написал(а):
> Hello all,
> is anyone storing SAP HANA backups (using Data Protection for ERP) in
> directory storage pools?
> What are deduplication savings in your environment?
> In our environment we see only 40% savings (35%-50%), comparing to
> predicted dedup savings 1:9 (this ratio is currently valid for backups of
> TDP4ERP Oracle, MS SQL, Oracle, ...).
> This completely messes up the initial capacity planning :(
> tsm: PRYTSM1>q dedupstats DEDUPPOOL_REPL SAP_PEP f=d
>                         Date/Time: 09/02/2016 21:01:00
>                 Storage Pool Name: DEDUPPOOL_REPL
>                         Node Name: SAP_PEP
>                    Filespace Name: /tdpmux
>                              FSID: 2
>                              Type: Arch
>         Total Data Protected (MB): 27,045,165
>             Total Space Used (MB): 16,228,576
>            Total Space Saved (MB): 10,816,588
>           Total Saving Percentage: 39.99
>             Deduplication Savings: 1,699,912,761,679
>          Deduplication Percentage: 5.99
>     Non-Deduplicated Extent Count: 8,414
> Non-Deduplicated Extent Space Used: 3,329,503
>               Unique Extent Count: 15,846,440
>          Unique Extent Space Used: 26,082,116,838,846
>               Shared Extent Count: 7,340,821
>      Shared Extent Data Protected: 2,276,790,425,670
>          Shared Extent Space Used: 574,756,400,378
>               Compression Savings: 9,642,102,240,318
>            Compression Percentage: 36.17
>           Compressed Extent Count: 21,757,839
>         Uncompressed Extent count: 1,437,836
> Thank you in advance.
> Kind regards
> Martin Janosik

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