Hallo David,


i worked a lot with containers now. if the "computing environment weather"
is fine also containers stg pool 1work fine.

But if you have space problems, must use the overflow storage or have to
reorganize to other stgpool directories, then handling containers can be a
bit cumbersome.


Unfortunately, IMHO there are missing some commands fora professional
container management.


among  others -

e.g.   delete container xxx (may be in addition  also with "discarddata=yes"
or "force=yes"  as it is available  for volumes)  or update container to
another status.


The container status "unavailable" is set automatically if a "malfunction"
has happened (e.g.the container file or chunk headers are corrupt)


Normally also  "q damaged"  with type=status/inv/node or container does not
show anything if container has status of "unavailable". 


So what can you do?  Try the following sequence…. 


1.) audit container  <container-name> action=markdamaged


2.) check  q damaged  with the 4  type=  options


3.) audit container  <container-name>  action=removedamaged


watch the TSM console … xx damaged files deleted….


4.) verify the status of the background deletion process


q  extentupdates  <stg-pool-name>


you should see for a short time period some .."Pending Updates"….. and then
for all lines  0,0,0,0. 


NOW,  wait, wait, wait….. sometimes an I've seen an hour or so….(officially
up to 30 minutes see: swg21981091)


There is NO possibility to trigger the background process to "delete" the
pending  container now. So it is a good idea to have a coffee in the


.. hope this helps..  rgds Michael


to have an overview of all container related commands: see


There exist also an "update stgpooldiror  xxx access=destroyed", but this
covers all containers in one directory…


Michael Malitz


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] Im Auftrag von
David Ehresman
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. September 2016 14:38
Betreff: Removing containers


My container storagepool has a reuse=0. I have some containers marked as
state-unavailable. I did "audit containter" with "action=scand" followed by
"action=removed".  That was yesterday but the containers are still there.
When will they be removed?



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