Hello.   Was wondering if anyone has seen this one.

Back story:
We have a Netezza server (linux OS) and we've been using TDP backup commands 
similar to this:
./nzbackup -u xxxxxxx -pw xxxxxxxx -db  TESTDB   -connector Tivoli 

We defined a proxy node and did the grant.....

And this has been working great...the backups go directly to the storage pool 
we have designated for Netezza.

We also replicate our TSM backups to our DR site via TCP and this works great 
I have a node of the same name registered on the TSM DR site server with a 
proxy node as well.

When I do a 'q fi netezza' and 'q occ netezza' on both the source and target 
TSM servers....they match.

Restore using the node in the DR site.
I'm using Putty to get to the linux command line and trying to do a nzrestore 
command from the node of the same name <netezza> .

I started out with this command because I just want to see what backup sets I 
./nzrestore -connector Tivoli -connectorArgs "TSM_PASSWD=xxxxxxxxx" -sourcedb 
TESTDB -incrementlist -u XXXXXXXX -pw XXXXXXX

I'm getting:
Error:  connector init failed: 'ANS1035S (RC406) Options file "*' could not be 
found or it cannot be read.

I've googled and looked for all the obvious; yes the dsm.opt & dsm.sys files 
are there.  And permissions are there for the files too.   But it seems to me 
with the message 'Connector init failed' it doesn't even know where to look for 
the .opt or .sys files.     Could my proxy node be incorrect???

Any info would be helpful.  Much appreciated.

Jeannie Bruno
Senior Systems Analyst
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
(845) 486-5780

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