
I don't believe you can use journal-based-backup for network connected file 
systems.  If you want to avoid incremental backups walking a NAS filesystem 
looking for changed files, you can look into NetApp (which TSM supports with 
snapdiff incrementals) and IBM Sonas.  Snapdiff uses a NetApp API which 
compares two snapshots, producing a list of changed files which TSM then backs 
up.  This eliminates the time it takes to "walk" the filesystem looking for 
changes, and this can dramatically speed up incremental backups.  We use this, 
but we also do a monthly walk (called a rebase) just to catch any edge cases 
that snapdiff misses.

I believe Isilon also has a similar unsupported API, but as it was not 
supported we opted not to go with Isilon.


At 11:42 AM 8/12/2016, Michael P Hizny wrote:
>Does anyone know a way to use journaling in TSM on a networked file system.
>If you go through the wizard, you can select to journal the local file
>systems, but there is no option to journal network connected file systems.
>We can back them up by specifying them in the opt file as:
>DOMAIN "\\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\folder1"
>DOMAIN "\\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\folder2"But can you set up and use journaling on 
>Michael Hizny
>Binghamton University

Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
IT at Cornell / Infrastructure            Fx: 607-255-8521
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801    Em: p...@cornell.edu

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