Hello.   I'm trying to create a new TSM schedule for our Netezza server.
I want TSM to run the .sh file I created, so I have this:

           Policy Domain Name: NETEZZA
                Schedule Name: NETEZZA_WKD
                  Description: Netezza Server
                       Action: Command
                      Objects: `sh /nz/kit.'
                     Priority: 5
              Start Date/Time: 07/12/2016 15:00:00
                     Duration: 4 Hour(s)
   Maximum Run Time (Minutes): 0
               Schedule Style: Classic
                       Period: 1 Day(s)
                  Day of Week: Weekday

The scheduler kicks off but fails with these messages:

ANR0406I Session 200168 started for node NETEZZA (Linux x86-64) (Tcp/Ip
ANR2579E Schedule NETEZZA_WKD in domain NETEZZA for node NETEZZA failed (return 
code 2).
ANR0403I Session 200168 ended for node NETEZZA (Linux x86-64).
ANR0406I Session 200169 started for node NETEZZA (Linux x86-64) (Tcp/Ip

Schedlog has this:
07/12/2016 15:00:41
Executing Operating System command or script:
   `sh /nz/kit.'
07/12/2016 15:00:41 Finished command.  Return code is: 2
07/12/2016 15:00:41 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed.
07/12/2016 15:00:41 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NETEZZA_WKD' failed.  Return code 
= 2.
07/12/2016 15:00:41 Sending results for scheduled event 'NETEZZA_WKD'.
07/12/2016 15:00:41 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'NETEZZA_WKD'.

the commands inside the .sh file work from a linux command prompt.  An example:
./nzbackup  -u admin -pw xxxxx -db XXXXDB   -connector Tivoli -connectorArgs 
"TSM_PASSWD=XXXXXXXXXX"  -cumulative  -v >> cum_histdb.log

I have a host and a proxy node, and I have both associated with the Schedule, 
but I'm not sure if I need both associated.  But the scheduler fails either way.

Anyone ever see this or can lead me in the direction on how to resolve????

Jeannie Bruno
Senior Systems Analyst
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
(845) 486-5780

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